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SEND Schools

Supporting all North East schools and colleges to achieve the good Career Guidance benchmarks by 2024.

Supporting SEND schools in the region

We’ve been working with SEND schools across the North East to provide the best possible career guidance for children and young people in our region.

We've brought together a variety of SEND resources and useful information to help you:

  • plan and support your students with their education
  • help your students identify training and employement opportunities
  • help your students to understand the labour market in the North East.

Explore our resources below, and sign up for our SEND Bulletin newsletter for more information. 

Options for SEND students

We’ve brought together information on all the options for SEND young people, so you can help your students find out about the full range of opportunities available to them.

Audit Tool

Our audit tool gives Careers Leaders the opportunity to analyse your school’s strengths and weaknesses with regards to your whole school careers provision.


We’ve collated a list of providers and organisations who can help to inspire and provide young people with an insight to the world of work.


Explore trusted, high quality resources from a variety of sources to support your planning and progress towards delivering the benchmarks.

SEND students and the North East labour market

Our SEND LMI Toolkit can help you and your students to understand:

  • where the most job opportunities are
  • what sectors are opportunities in
  • what kinds of jobs are available in each sector 
  • how to access training and eduction.

The toolkit includes a useful map of opportunities across the region, and a suite of materials to help you plan and deliver careers guidance.