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Could you go Back to School as a school governor?

Could you go Back to School as a school governor?

School bags are packed, new shoes purchased and uniforms ironed, ready to be immediately muddied in playgrounds across the country. September sees children and young people head back to school for the new academic year, and as pupils are waved off at the school gates to begin their new year of learning, we are appealing to professionals from across the country to consider how they might go back to school themselves…by volunteering as a school governor.

Have you ever considered volunteering as a governor? We have helped thousands of people find a role in a local school and we hear firsthand how volunteers experience real benefits in the role. Instead of us telling you about them, we are handing the microphone over to six school governors to tell you the real life benefits they have experienced – and why you should consider joining them!

We spoke to 6 serving governors from around the country – Bridget, Rupinder, Richard, Suzy, Karen and Vicci - to find out some of the reasons why they govern; what real life benefits have they personally experienced? Hear what they had to say…


Interested in finding out more?

Join Inspiring Governance, the Department for Education funded school governor matching service, for an online session on Wednesday 28th September, 12noon-12.45 to get the lowdown on everything you need to know about volunteering as a school governor. Hear from the Inspiring Governance team, as well as current volunteers who will discuss their own positive experiences of being school governors themselves, what they have offered schools, and what they have gained from their experiences, and how you can go Back to School to make a difference to children and young people in your community.

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