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Tyler McKeown, Apprentice Laboratory Scientist, at Sterling Pharma Solutions

What excited you about the degree apprenticeship scheme?

I’ve always had an interest in science but I hadn’t dreamt I could do a degree in Analytical Chemistry. For me personally, getting the opportunity to do a degree course while also learning via the apprenticeship scheme was definitely the best option.

Tyler McKeown, Apprentice Laboratory Scientist, at Sterling Pharma Solutions talks about his experience of combining work and study. 

What’s the best bit about splitting time between work and study?

Most definitely the challenge. I’d be lying if I said it was easy to complete an apprenticeship – splitting the time between work and study and still fitting in a social life has challenged me – but I’m learning new things about myself. It helps me to develop skills like time management and helps me to develop as a person.

How does it feel to be part of the world of work?

Being a part of the world of work and being part of such a professional company at such a young age is brilliant. I have a head start in expanding my knowledge compared with a graduate – I started here when I was 17, completing my level 3 apprenticeship and I’m now at level 5, with plans to move on to level 6. I have direct contact with colleagues who have 20 or 30 years of experience and, while I have a personal mentor, the whole team helps me to succeed. I couldn’t ask for better colleagues.

Is there a reason why you chose to follow the apprenticeship route over other routes available to you?

Personally – and I think this applies to a lot of young people – I always wanted to earn, to pay for things myself and to grow as a person.

Would you recommend others become an apprentice too?

I’d always recommend apprenticeships. I massively appreciate the scheme here at Sterling and I am, and always will be, a huge supporter of apprenticeships. I visit local schools with Sterling to talk to the students about apprenticeships and it’s a proud moment for me when my family see how it’s working out for me. My parents are already encouraging my siblings to take a similar route.