Work-based learning

Work-based learning

Helping an individual learn whilst they work in your business is a great way to develop a motivated, skilled, and qualified employee. For example, apprenticeships offer real job experience whilst a person studies for a formal qualification.

You can adapt these training programmes to meet the needs of your organisation and fill gaps within your workforce skillset, and managing students offers professional development for existing employees. 

Explore the resources below and find out how your business can get involved in work-based learning. 


Apprenticeships can give school-leavers a chance to learn as they work, and can also be used to upskill existing staff. They range from level two – which is GCSE level – to level seven, which is the equivalent of a master’s degree. 


A traineeship is a skills development programme  designed to give learners the skills and confidence they need to progress into work with training (preferably an apprenticeship) and vary from 6 weeks up to 1 year, though most traineeships last for less than 6 months.

Business Growth Support

Our team of Skills Facilitators provide a free, impartial consultancy service to small businesses in the North East, helping them to identify the skills needs, training and finance options that will help them grow.

T levels

Find out more about T-levels, hear from learners and employers about their experiences and where you can develop your knowledge about this exciting new technical education pathway.